
护理 majors are dedicated to improving health care outcomes and seek to make a positive impact on people’s lives. 为从事护理工作做准备, students develop critical thinking skills to better inform their decisions, 通过服务机会培养同情心, and gain real-life experience by applying what they’ve learned in the classroom during clinicals.


  • 护理学学士学位



的 护理程序 at Carthage features a curriculum designed to incorporate best practices in the education of professional nurses. We are dedicated to providing socially responsible and responsive nurse education that is rooted in compassion.

以文科为基础的, 人文学科, 与科学, the program facilitates students’ understanding of clinical reasoning processes, how to apply those processes to concepts important in delivering nursing care, and how to address healthcare needs across the lifespan and continuum of care to improve healthcare outcomes.

Carthage nursing majors graduate as competent entry-level clinicians, 全球十大赌钱排行app, and leaders in nursing and are prepared to take the National Council Licensing Examination for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN). 请参阅注册护士州许可信息.


  • Joseph White

    “Other students should consider the nursing major if they’re really passionate about providing care to people on a physical, mental, and emotional level.”

  • James Castro ?24

    “I chose nursing over anything else because it truly is the most rewarding career! It can be a lot of hard work and stress, but the outcomes and words that patients give you can really make your day.”

  • Devon Kuhn

    “I chose Carthage because of the 护理程序 and the faculty-to-student ratio.”

  • Benjamin Gabbey ?25

    “I have never felt as welcomed or accepted as I have here.”

  • Abigail Wetzel

    “My favorite memory has just been meeting some of my best friends here on campus through being a nursing student and a resident assistant. Having so much love and support through my college years has been my absolute favorite memory.”

  • Anissa Acevedo

    “People should consider nursing because it is a gratifying career. As a nurse, every day will always be different. You’ll treat patients with unique health situations and at varying stages of life. 的re are also so many different things that you can do that fit your personality.”

  • Michelle Gorney ?25

    “I love how the faculty are so easy to reach out to. I love how close people are here with one another. And I love the atmosphere in general.”

  • Kyle Williamson ?24

    “的 Carthage nursing faculty taught me the importance of believing in my ability to impact the lives of others — not only physically, but mentally.”


Students in Carthage's BSN in nursing program take each other's blood pressure. Carthage’s freshman direct-entry admission option is a unique opportunity for students pursuing a nursing career. 高中毕业生遇到特定的, pre-established criteria are guaranteed admission into Carthage’s 护理学学士学位.

You don’t have to wait two years to see if you’re accepted into the 护理程序. As a direct-entry student, you will be part of the nursing major on your first day on campus!

  • 你不必等到大二才申请.
  • You will receive support and guidance right away from the nursing faculty.
  • You can work toward achieving your goals from your first day on campus, 这样你就可以专注于你的护理事业了.



临床 allow students to gain hands-on experience caring for patients in different settings: hospitals, 房屋, 学校, 和社区. 在全球十大赌钱排行app, nursing majors begin clinical work their sophomore year — a year earlier than at most other colleges. 因为我们有超过50个临床合作伙伴, students have the opportunity to network with a variety of nurse professionals.

  • 倡导极光健康
  • 康德尔医疗中心
  • 扬升健康系统
  • 布鲁克赛德护理中心
  • 美国癌症治疗中心
  • 威斯康辛儿童医院
  • Froedtert南 / Froedert & 威斯康辛医学院
  • 临终关怀联盟
  • 十字路口护理中心
  • 基诺沙消防局
  • 基诺沙探访护士协会
  • 路德总医院
  • 西北医学院森林湖医院
  • 拉辛联合学区
  • 雪莉·瑞恩能力实验室(芝加哥)
  • 密尔沃基退伍军人管理医院


  • 100%

    of 2023 nursing graduates were hired!

全球十大赌钱排行app人全面的职业发展顺序 Aspire计划, helps students prepare for the workforce by assisting them in creating resumes, 制定面试策略, 寻找空缺职位, 和更多的. 我们的护理专业毕业生 离开大学时,为一系列的 护理领域的职业.

  • 倡导极光健康
  • 提升
  • 阿森松哥伦比亚街. 玛丽医院
  • 芝加哥行为医院
  • 威斯康辛儿童医院
  • Froedtert南
  • 芝加哥卢里儿童医院
  • 梅奥诊所
  • 西北大学医学
  • 雪莉·瑞恩能力实验室
  • St. 路易斯儿童医院

护生在外面散步. 申请全学费护理奖学金

护理 全球十大赌钱排行apphips Carthage offers a full-tuition 护理 Scholarship that will be awarded to one incoming student in the 护理学学士学位 program. This 全球十大赌钱排行apphip will be awarded to a promising student who exhibits a desire for excellence in the field and compassionate, 优质的病人护理.



护理学习实验室 设有接待中心, 汇报室, 精神运动技能实验室, 还有一个模拟实验室. 的 simulation laboratory has four high-fidelity human simulators (adult, 孩子, 婴儿, 和分娩的母亲). 我们的 Health Assessment Laboratory houses four examination tables, 会议桌, 一个白板, 和电视监视器.

Carthage launched a new J-Term study tour in summer 2023, a medical mission to Honduras. 通过游学提供海外医疗服务

因为人类的很多行为都是由文化决定的, 护士必须努力了解他们的病人, 家庭, 以及文化背景下的社区. 在全球十大赌钱排行app,护理专业的学生有机会 出国留学, experience other cultures first-hand, and learn more about medical care in other countries. 机会 include participating in Carthage’s medical mission trip to Nicaragua or Honduras, 学生在诊所做志愿者.



Carthage recognizes the importance of a supportive and enriching environment for our 护理学生. To demonstrate our commitment to their success, we have established a student mentoring program. All freshmen nursing majors are assigned an upperclassman mentor through their sophomore year. 学生可以向他们的导师寻求帮助,以适应大学生活, 管理他们的课程作业, 交朋友, 还有更多.


平均每班有17名学生, Carthage provides students with an environment to form close relationships with their professors. 我们的 护士教育工作者 不都是各自领域的专家吗, but they also provide personalized guidance and support to students through one-on-one mentoring sessions, 协助学术策划, 目标设定. 的y leverage their extensive networks within the healthcare industry to help students connect with professionals and organizations that align with their career goals.


This Nurse Pinning Ceremony recognizes individual student excellence in academic and clinical end... 的 护理程序 at Carthage is new, but we are already creating our own traditions!


每年,我们都会为初中生举行白大褂典礼. This ceremony formally admits students to their clinical education and emphasizes their commitment to providing compassionate and excellent nursing care.


As senior students near graduation time, we hold an 荣誉 and Pinning Ceremony. This ceremony recognizes individual student excellence in academic and clinical endeavors, 以及在教学方面的卓越表现. 的 faculty then bestow upon the students the Carthage 护理 Pin, a symbol of their successful completion of the program and admission to the nursing profession as colleagues.


我们鼓励护理专业的学生承担社会责任. 的 Carthage Association for 护理 Students (CANS) engages students in various community service opportunities, such as producing Blessing Bags at Christmas for 出赛’s homeless community, 为有需要的人收集衣物捐赠, 为学校用品筹款.